Big Shark Racing Riding and Training Calendar
Training and Event Calendar
Team Meetings are the first Monday of the month at 8 pm at the store. Typically they are under an hour long. New or potential members are encouraged to attend. we don't even really mind if cynical and jaded current members attend.
Team ride meets at Ladue Junior High School at the intersection of Clayton and Conway Road at 9 am. The ride leaves at nine and heads West. This goes on all year, although it usually tapers during the season. Usually the ride warms up as a large group for the first 10 miles and then it is divided into different groups based on ability, training goals, etc... This is a great opportunity for new riders to learn the basics and for lower catagory riders to train with Cat 1/2/3's. Note: This isn't a hammerfest, especially in the winter. Off-season riding in large numbers doesn't work when someone continually tries to be the January Champion.
Note: Please be aware that we have received several complaints re; riders blocking traffic while wearing Big Shark uniforms. Please be considerate and ride single file were appropriate. We encourage helmet use, but realize that occasionally it is more important to look Euro than it is to avoid severe head trauma.
December/ January 2002
Sunday rides are in effect. Leave at 9 am Sundays from the parking lot of Ladue Junior High School at the intersection of Clayton and Conway roads.
Big Shark Spinning Classes are going to be held Tuesday evenings at Spinning in Hanley Industrial course for $6.00 (half price). Call ahead to a reserve a bike, 314/645-7746.
Directions from Hanley Road:-Go South on Hanley from Highway 40, Turn right at hanley industrial Drive and follow to the 2nd stop sign. Go right for about .4 miles. Spinning islocated on the north end of the K&S Construction Building, 534 Hanley Industrial Drive.
Schedule: (email if you want to be on the schedule)
Thursday Dec. 5th
Amy Strahan
Tuesday Dec 10th
M. WeissAvailable
Thursday Dec. 12th
Lindsey Knotten
Tuesday Dec. 17th
Thusday Dec. 19th
Stacy Knowleton
Tuesday Dec.24th
Thursday Dec. 26th