2024 Big Shark Open Water Swim Series
Swim With The Sharks!
Get comfortable in the open water and practice your swim technique.
Join us for the return of our Open Water Swim Series. Bring your bicycle and shoes and make it a great training day! + This series is staffed by Big Shark Events Staff, Local Coaches and Training Partners and a full complement of lifeguards from BYLG Sport.
When: Most Saturday Mornings from May 4th through June 29th The Lake will be open for participants from 8:00 am – 9:30 am. There will not be a Open Water Swim on Memorial Day Weekend, June 8th, or July 4th Weekend.
Where: The lake is located at New Town in St. Charles. See swim maps below. The perimeter course is .62 miles and in most areas you can touch the bottom.
- Pre-register for each session, week by week or multiple at a time, online for $20. Pre-registration closes at Midnight pm the Friday before each swim.
- A Season Pass for all 7 swims can be purchased online for the price of 7 swims or $120.
- On site registration is $25 per session and will open at 7:30am with separate lines for Day-Of Registrants and Pre-Registrants.
- If the event is cancelled due to inclement weather, registration fees are transferable but not refundable. Every effort, including delaying the start time, will be made to get the swim in. Check Big Shark's Facebook's page for swim status updates when weather is looming.
Important: Please note that the point of entry/exit from the lake has moved. See below map for the 2024 swim area. We will NOT have lifeguards in the area closest to check-in/registration.
Wetsuits: We DO rent wetsuits at our Big Bend and Big Shark West Locations. We will not be offering rental demos on site this year.
Fee structure covers venue, participant insurance, professional lifeguards, equipment, additional programming and staff support.
You can pre-register on www.bikereg.com by clicking on the link below.
Daily Routine:
All Swimmers must register (or check in for pre-reg) and get marked with a number upon arrival.
- BYLG Sport will conduct a short course orientation to each group of swimmers entering the water. Topics include basic swim safety and signaling distress. Please listen to lifeguards instructions at all times.
- Swim direction will change from week to week.
- Upon entering the water, please report your number to Big Shark Staff at the table.
- When exiting the water, again, please confirm your number with Big Shark Staff. This is for your safety and helps keep accurate records as well as account for all swimmers present.
Helpful Links:
- Looking for some instruction? Masters swimmers and Triathletes ?! Are you looking for daily / weekly or monthly swimming training, private lessons that include video taping to work on technique? What about specialized workout training plans designed for you ?
- Coach Raz at Midwest Aquatic Club specializes in all of those areas. Email former USA Swimming National Team Coach Raz at midwestaquaticclub@gmail.com to set up an evaluation, practice or lesson. Don’t miss this opportunity to be faster and more efficient in your swimming races.
- New Town at St. Charles: www.newtownatstcharles.com
- Stop by The Bridge at 3257 Domain for your pre or post swim coffee (or both).
For more information on the open water swim series please contact mike@bigshark.com